2020 April Bullet Journal Set Up

So here we are in April and stuck inside to help the spread of COVID-19. March did not end as I thought it would at the beginning. Everything seemed to escalate quickly right in the middle of the month. I have adjusted mostly now, but it still can be weird and hard to stay home all the time. I did get plenty of time to draw out my April bullet journal though!


For this month I wanted to focus on the future and have lots of hope for it. Plus now that spring has started, it brings with it the sense of renewal. The theme for April is hope, bright colors, and spring. I picked 5 colors that corned and that I felt help get this theme across. Then I started with my cover page. I did something more unusual for me and add a quote to this spread. I felt it fit well for the feeling I wanted for this month

To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow
— Audrey Hepburn

Hepburn’s quote really propelled me while drawing Aprils pages. This month I also wanted to work more on my calligraphy. You can starts to see that on the cover and in the following pages. From the quote, I decided to draw flowers on my cover. I used the five colors I choose and I tried to use each color evenly for each page.


For my monthly spread I continued drawing flowers, again using each color the same amount as I could. Before I started drawing the flowers, I wanted to make sure I boxed out the spaces I wanted to put words. I didn’t want the word to be hard to see so I kept them away from mixing with the flowers. I went ahead and boxed out everything in this set up before adding the colors to each page.

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I switched it up when I got to this spread. I still boxed out the spaces I wanted to write in, but I wanted to get way from just drawing flowers on every page. The colors I choose are vibrant and I wanted to fully show their hues. You can see on the title for these pages is where I incorporated more calligraphy. I think they turned out nice. These pages are easier to see why I blocked out my spaces for writing first before adding the color. I can make it harder to make well looking circles, like you can see on the playlist page. The color shadows I add on this page also really helped the boxes stand out more. Usually the playlist page is at the end of the spread, but I wasn’t paying attention when boxing out spaces and started putting the playlist page next to the habits. Maybe I will keep it like this in the future. Happy accident?


Since the playlist went next to the habits, the goals moved next to the brain dump. These pages are usually both bare so I don’t stick them next to each other, but it could work out. Some of the things I end up writing on the brain dump page have to do with my goals, so it would be nice having next to each other. Keeping with not going back to flowers, I did two different types of stripes. There wasn’t tons of room on the brain dump page, but plenty on the goals page. I really liked how the diagonals turned out on the goals page.

For the first week, since there were only 5 days, I went back to flowers and I was able to use every color I picked. Going forward I think I will continue doing the weeks like I did with the earlier spreads. Using the stripes and circles in different ways for the coming weeks.

Overall I really liked how these pages turned out. The colors and drawing help cheered me. I hope April will bring better news for all of us around the world. We can all make it through this and the sun will shine again. Just in time for summer!